Friday, April 6, 2012

What is Truth?

Good Friday: What is Truth?                                          
The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John  
The Rev. Shelby Ochs Owen

An audio version of this sermon is available here.

“What is truth?”
Judas is in the height of his betrayal of Jesus.  He has brought his entourage of Roman soldiers and religious leaders to Jesus so that Jesus can be handed over to them and Judas can collect his payment.   They approach Jesus, and he asks them, “Whom are you looking for?” “Jesus of Nazareth.”  Jesus replies, “I am he.”  With that statement the group who has come to arrest him steps back and falls to the ground!  Today’s therapists tell us to listen to our bodies, that our bodies have much to teach and tell us.  This group hounding Jesus evidently chooses to ignore their bodies’ message, chooses to ignore the fact that just being in his presence makes them fall over!,  This group chooses to ignore the truth, chooses to dwell in denial of the presence of God in their midst.

A little while later when Jesus and Pilate, the Roman governor, have their conversation, Jesus tells him, “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice,” to which Pilate responds, “What is truth?” We cannot know for certain what tone of voice Pilate was using. Was he being sarcastic, flippant or seriously interested in Truth?  What John does indicate is that Pilate does not wait around for an answer from Jesus. Later when Pilate hears that Jesus claims to be God’s Son, he is “more afraid that ever.”  Again his body is telling him something that he ends up ignoring.

What is truth?  That God loves us so much that He gave us all that he had to give us - his own Son, who poured out his life for us “on the hard wood of the cross that we might come within the reach of his saving embrace.”(BCP, p.101)  Jesus withheld nothing as he gave his life for us, that we might live fully. The truth is that we have been created by God, that by Jesus’s gift of life we are forgiven our sin, sins known and unknown, things done and left undone.  The truth is that God wants us free from our bondage, free from sin, transformed into the people that speak and live the truth of God, the truth of love.  Sometimes it is difficult to open our eyes to the truth much less to live in the truth.  Judas chose money over the truth, the religious leaders who were threatened by Jesus’s authority chose power over truth, the Roman government chose control and civil peace (Pax Romana) over truth.  All were in denial of the truth of Jesus even when the truth was right in their faces and they felt it in their bodies.  Sometimes it is easier to live in denial, to try to escape the existential questions of life, to dwell in the superficial realm. But today, Good Friday, is the day we peel back the curtain of denial and focus on the reality of the cross, the reality of God’s overflowing love as seen in Jesus giving his life for us.

“Everyone who belongs to the truth, listens to my voice.”
Will we choose to belong to the truth? Will we listen to God’s voice?
Will we choose to accept God’s love poured out for us and give that same love to others?

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